Playing with Snowballs

Hello everyone,
    I hope you are all enjoying these last few days of June and the start of summer. I was supposed to be getting ready for a few tours coming up shortly but instead I started playing with snowballs. These pretty snowballs from the viburnum bush are sitting on my windowsill and they were looking so charming I had to grab my camera and capture the moment!

For those of you who don't know I use a Canon Rebel xti and my husband bought me a macro lens for it last year for my birthday. So today I dug out my tripod-I am really lazy about using it but it is hard to keep the camera steady enough with the short depth of field using a macro. Besides I plan to discipline myself this summer to use  the tripod more.

Snowballs in the garden.
Snowball up close and personal.
I am wishing I knew how to do antiquing layers on these. Someday,I will have to study up on that!

Remember 'a thing of beauty is a joy forever' but only if you capture it with your camera lens first!

Now, I'd best get back to work!

Enjoy your day.



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