Ah!!! Summertime- Ten Things I Love About You!

Welcome summer! It seems we wait a long time for you and all the pleasures you offer us and I am so glad you are finally here.

Ah! Beach days-we have so many beautiful beaches here on the Island.
Love parties on the porch!
Abundance in the garden!
Love picking bouquets!
I love the touring the Island days my husband and I take whenever we can.
Who doesn't love a picnic?
I love peonies and roses and summer dresses.
I love watching the birds raise their families.
Balmy romantic summer nights.

And beautiful Island sunsets!

Now, these are a few of my favorite things about summer! What about you -are we kindred spirits as our Anne of Green Gables would say..Speaking of Anne- did you all know the Royals-William and Kate are coming to Prince Edward Island in July. Apparently Kate is an Anne fan too. So, lots of things to look forward to.

Oh! The joys of summer!!!

I am joining Kathy at A Delightsome Life for her Savoring Summer Party. I am looking forward to seeing how  you all savor summer.

Hope you summer is wonderful!


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