GROWTH | Condo buyers helping out condo buyers
Came across this interesting forum : skyscrapercity
If you browse through the topics listed, you'll find a thread named Philippine Forums, a multi-threaded discussion of some of the skyline defining developments found here in manila and other parts of the country. What's interesting to note is that even pesky sellers (that's me) seem to follow an "unwritten code" of no shameless vending within the confines of the thread.
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Hello everyone,
Hope you all are all enjoying some beautiful summer days. Summer has finally arrived here and I am loving it! We went for a drive yesterday and passed by a road side stand selling their fresh organic strawberries so we picked up a box to enjoy-they were sweet and juicy.
As soon as we got home I made some biscuits and whipped some cream for one of my favorite summer treats-strawberry shortcake.
Help yourself-you won't be sorry.
I had to go out to the garden to really enjoy my afternoon tea break.
While you are here have a better look at Martha's(statues name) Garden. This is probably my favorite time in this garden as the Slender Deutiza are in full bloom and it is mainly a white garden. there is the sound of the water fountain on the wall and there are a couple of birds that have built their nest in here so we are sharing the garden.
As Bernideen said in her comment yesterday- it is hard to believe there was snow not that long ago. How quickly things change!
My sister arrives from Vancouver this weekend and lets not forget the Royals are coming on Sunday also.I have been invited to a 'Royal Tea' at a friend of a friends Monday afternoon as well. it will be fun to go to someone else's tea party. Also,I am hosting a high tea birthday party on Wednesday-so that should be fun too.
I am joining in Tablescape Tuesday at Between Naps on the Porch and Show and Tell at My Romantic Home .
Happy Canada tomorrow to all my Canadian friends!
Thank you for visiting and for all your kind words too.
I am getting ready for some tours this weekend so I better get busy. Before I go though I
A Garden Tour
Hello everyone,
We are enjoying some beautiful sunny days so the garden is coming ahead in leaps and bounds.I can walk around in the morning and again in the evening and it has already changed. I have more then a hundred peonies in the garden and they are rapidly opening up their beautiful fragrant blooms.
So, today I have a few garden shots to share with you that were taken in the last couple of days.
This is the Nymph peony above and below.It is a single so it doesn't need to be staked.I love the color combo of the Magnificum geraniums and the Lady's Mantle with the peony.Every year I divide my Magnificum geraniums and spread them around the garden.Lady's Mantle often reseeds itself.
Close up of Nymph
The hosta also looks good in the color combo.
Lupins a spirea Thor I think and Wine and Roses weigela.also make a pretty combo.
An early rose.
Walker's Low Nepeta is often mistaken for lavender.
One of the Canadian lilacs-but I forget which one.I love them all!
The Slender Deutzia is blooming in Martha's Garden.
Siberian Iris.
The lilac blooming here is Miss Canada-she blooms prolifically every year.
This is shot from the front veranda looking to the driveway.
The pink Beautybush is starting to bloom.Well, there is lots more to see but you will have to come back another day!
Thanks for visiting,
A Summer Day Tea Time
Hello everyone,
We are having a perfectly beautiful sunny summer day today so I want to make the most of it but I wanted to share a cup of tea with you first.
I choose this spot on the veranda because the Miss Kim lilac is blooming right by the screened porch and it has a beautiful fragrance for us to enjoy as we chat over tea.
I made some peanut butter cookies to go with our peppermint tea.
I love the daintiness of these teacups that I bought at a yardsale several years ago.
My midseason peonies are starting to bloom-soon there will be hundreds of peony blooms in the garden. The midseason lilacs are also blooming and the early roses so I wish you could enjoy the fragrance of three of my favorite flowers.
The teapot was a find at Coulson's and the perfect match for the teacups.
These lilacs were bred in Canada and they have a lovely but different fragrance from the French lilacs.I have several different ones that are in bloom now.There fragrance carries through out much of the garden.
Behind the Canadian lilac is the Korean standard Miss Kim. She is covered in blooms right now.
I hope all you tea drinkers are also garden lovers or else I have bored you to tears!I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for TeaTime Tuesday today. I know you will enjoy visiting all the other tea time participants there today.
Thank you for visiting me and now I am off to enjoy doing some garden chores.
Take care,
Relax at Courtney Cox's house
So I just had to share Courtney Cox's new Malibu Beach home featured in this month's Elle Decor magazine.
According to Elle Decor, The midcentury structure sits high above the Pacific on two acres that include guest cottages, a tennis house and court, a screening room, and a saltwater swimming pool.
Her previous home, designed by groundbreaking modernist architect John Lautner.
Says Cox, "The curvy, futuristic, Lautner-designed residence was “the most amazing place I’ve ever lived in,” she says. “But there was no way to replicate that. You don’t want to half-ass a Lautner house. So I decided with this house to go a completely different route. I wanted it to look like a modern barn.”
Her house is a soothing mix of whites, light gray, charcoal and pops of violet and berry. It's the perfect blend of contemporary finishes with old-world accents.
Check out the beautiful photos from Photographer Simon Upton below.
Don't you already feel more relaxed??
I love this--it's irreverent, charming and funny. I love that Courtney Cox doesn't seem to take life too seriously!
I want these light pendants!
According to Elle Decor, The midcentury structure sits high above the Pacific on two acres that include guest cottages, a tennis house and court, a screening room, and a saltwater swimming pool.
Her previous home, designed by groundbreaking modernist architect John Lautner.
Says Cox, "The curvy, futuristic, Lautner-designed residence was “the most amazing place I’ve ever lived in,” she says. “But there was no way to replicate that. You don’t want to half-ass a Lautner house. So I decided with this house to go a completely different route. I wanted it to look like a modern barn.”
Her house is a soothing mix of whites, light gray, charcoal and pops of violet and berry. It's the perfect blend of contemporary finishes with old-world accents.
Check out the beautiful photos from Photographer Simon Upton below.
Don't you already feel more relaxed??
I love this--it's irreverent, charming and funny. I love that Courtney Cox doesn't seem to take life too seriously!
I want these light pendants!