Hello everyone,
It has been so nice to have a few mild days melting some of the abundance of snow we had this winter.Anyway,since any day is a good day to stop and enjoy a cup of tea , I thought I would share mine with you.

Th old photo is one of my Grandmother(left) and her siblings.The antique lace is from my 92 year old neighbors auction sale a few years ago and it was made by her grandmothers sister.

I have enjoyed my weekly bouquet of flowers and by keeping them in a cool room overnight I have found they last a long time.

This teacup belonged to my Mom. Strangely, I took after my Mother-in Law in my love for china and not my Mom who really didn't collect it. Stop and enjoy a cup of tea and a peek through the latest Victoria mazazine. I am really looking forward to Victoria's Gardens of Bliss coming out soon. It is sure to hold lots of inspiration.
Also, I am joining Kathy at A Delightsome Life for her Victoria party. Kathy shares my love of Victoria and always hosts a lovely party.
Thank you for stopping by,