Spring is in the air...and living rooms!

This is why my master plan is to get my home decor to a place where the main pieces (couch, ottoman, side tables) stay throughout the year but my accessories change with the season (pillows, tablecloths, etc.).

Because just when I want to make my whole house look Rustic/Equestrian Chic (think oranges and greens)...the wind changes direction, the sun pops out...and all of a sudden I'm back to longing for airy breezy Nautical/Preppy Chic (think navy, light blue and red)!

While I could never imagine coming home to these houses in the dead of winter, when all I want to do is wrap myself in a cashmere blanket, sip hot cocoa and read shelter mags...I would love to live here when you can open your windows and blow around in a cute sun dress and glass of ice tea!!!

Ahhhhh spring decor...how I love thee!


All images above: House & Home

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