Have you ever flipped through a home magazine and thought...I wish I lived there!, Why can't I make my room look that fabulous? Who puts all of these pieces together?
I do that a lot, especially with spectacular spaces in catalogs such as Ballard Designs.
Meet Jill Sharp Brinson, creative director, resident designer and stylist extraordinaire responsible for Ballard’s signature look for the past 15 years.
She is the force behind all of those rooms you covet.
Jill literally lives for great design. In addition to her work with BD, Jill runs her own styling, design and decorating business, and co-owns a highly successful commission art studio with her celebrated photographer/husband, Rob.
Doesn't this sound like the best job ever!?!?!?
And if you ever wonder if it's hard to create these fabulous spaces and then not be able to live in them...the answer is...her home is just as bananas!
Her spectacular Atlanta home made the December/January 2010 cover of House Beautiful.
All House Beautiful photos: Simon Upton
I told you...BANANAS!