Make a $5 Wreath for Thanksgiving

Sorry for the late posting today...mega client presentation today.

I found this DIY project on the Just a Girl Blog that I thought would be perfect for Thanksgiving!

(Directions & Images below courtesy of Just a Girl Blog) 

First of all…I gathered a lot of pine cones. :)
pinecone basket

I had a styrofoam wreath in my basement (yes, really) that I decided to use. I think it was about $5.00. I spray painted it brown so it wouldn’t show through as much when the pine cones went on. I couldn’t find my dark brown paint, but I would recommend that in the future.

At first, I tried to place the pine cones in some sort of pattern, but it really didn’t work out for me. I basically placed them on one at a time and squished them into some sort of fit.  

Once it was all done, I went back with some tiny pine cones and filled in some gaps that I thought showed too much.

How cute is this idea? I can't wait to try this next weekend!

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