Victorian Garden Tea

Hello everyone!

On this beautiful sunny summer day I would love to have you join me for a Victorian Garden Tea.

 I took out my old victorian wicker chairs and looked around the 'garden' for a pretty cool spot to enjoy a cup of tea.
 As luck would have it we have a pretty big patch of fireweed growing on our property and I think it makes a perfect background for our tea today.

 We have some good books to enjoy and a pretty teapot for our tea.
 A bouquet of garden flowers adds some charm to our pretty little tea table.

 .                           It's amazing how pretty even wild flowers are.

                              The bees are loving this fireweed too.

        So,  dig out your hat and gloves and join me for a Victorian Tea  on this beautiful summer day.

I am joining Tea Time Tuesday at Rose Chintz Cottage today.

Thank you for your visit!


You're Invited!

 Hello everyone,
         Hope you had a lovely weekend again. Can you believe it is the end  of July already???  I remember a few of you Island readers have asked when our Garden Tour day is and I thought that this Wednesday  evening I would have an open garden for any of you that would like to stop by.
 So maybe I won't be lounging in the hammock this week as the garden needs a bit of a tune up but you can enjoy it for a spell. This is a Novica hammock-handmade in Mexico.
 We are having a beautiful sunny warm but not too hot summer-my only compliant is we could use more rain.

 But,it is perfect for lounging in the hammock or trips to the beach.
 A cold glass of lemonade and a book and you're set for the afternoon in this shady corner of the garden.

 Some summer perennials to admire while you relax.

 Have you fallen asleep already?
This little squirrel had his eye on the your cupcake and he is just waiting for you to doze off so he can nab it! He is a smart little guy and loves when I have a little treat and turn my back for a minute

Sorry, for the short notice but if you live nearby and would like to have a garden tour- you are welcome anytime between 6:30 and 8:30 this Wednesday August 1 .Hope to see you then!

Take care,

Reverse Mortgage Information’s

Before getting a reverse mortgage, senior citizens should get benefit that all available in reverse mortgage information. A common theme has lost seniors seeking reverse mortgage information is the subject of the statement. While seniors can defer payment until they die or sell your home, the loan will be at the right time. When it comes to selling your home after taking a reverse mortgage, many older people are more confused about the reverse mortgage available. The fact is that older people may decide to sell their homes at any time but must be aware that this is your loan is due.

To get the maximum credit from, borrowers should stay home for a few years after obtaining the loan. Seniors who spend in the near future in order to acquire more of the HECM for purchase program, the elderly, a home with a reverse mortgage would benefit. While the collection of information, many older people are also interested in how your loan will be repaid at his death. Reverse mortgages are due when the loan for all borrowers die. If there are two borrowers, both individuals must disappear before your lender can demand repayment.

When there are surpluses, borrowers can choose to receive their passive income in several ways. Seniors can choose whether to receive their income as long-term line of credit, payments for land, payment of long-term payments of the country if they changed or modified. Want to get borrowers to make payments on the long run, get fixed monthly payments for a specified period. The payments are monthly payments of land, is home to the borrower to continue. Borrowers to open a credit line that you choose will have free access to their funds increases, the estimates as the home. The term and change the settings, the mandate for a credit line, and long-term employment to combine payment or change.

The Summer Garden

 Hello everyone,
          It is time for another garden tour-after all it has been a few days since I drug you around! The daylillies are putting on a great show now. I have hundreds of them so I don't know all of their names.
 I love this rose!

 I love clematis and roses together. The rose is William Baffin and I think the clematis is Multi Blue.

 Martha's Garden-Martha is the statue. this is mainly a white garden.
 A garden variety of loosestrife and white monkshood.

 Julia Child again.

 Our Hillside Garden.

 This is down toward our pond.
 Don't you love this beautiful blue phlox???
 Monkshood and hydrangea.
 A pretty rose pink clematis-sorry,her name escapes me.
 Love this Abundance clematis too.
 This was my favorite shot on my early morning tour of the garden- see the dew on the roses?
 Shooting from our balcony toward the hillside garden.
 Well, that is our tour for today but don't worry it won't be long until my next tour! Ha! Ha!

Last week I had my very first photo shoot of a couple of other Island gardens for a Canadian magazine-Saltscapes!  I was so excited(and a bit nervous) to do this! I am looking forward to seeing them in print soon.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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