Spring Beauty

Good Morning,
    The birds are singing, the geese are swimming in the pond and it looks like we will have some sunshine after a badly needed rainy day yesterday- what more could I ask for!
   I still have a few more pictures featuring our lilacs-don't worry I will soon have moved on to the peonies! The early peonies are just starting to bloom here but soon there will be hundreds of peonies blooming as they are loaded with buds this year.

Our summer porch
We have enjoyed  relaxing on our screened porch with the scent of lilacs .
Pretty containers full of our lilacs from the garden

I am picking a bouquet of lilacs for you.
Don't you just love lilacs?
We have over 40 lilac bushes in our garden-all different colors and sizes.Did you know lilacs like a slightly alkaline soil and a sunny location to bloom well.

Tomorrow is a busy tour day so I better get our house and garden in order.

Can anyone tell me why my photos seem to go fuzzy in the last few days when I make them larger-I always email them over to my blog and didn't have this problem before.

Thank you for visiting me.

Take care,

Beautiful Lilacs

Hello everyone,
   I hope you are having a good week. We are getting the rain we really needed for the garden and the crops so I am very relieved.
  I did warn you that I had lots of lilac pictures so here are just a few more for you.

A corner in our bedroom.
Our bedroom mantel.

Thank you for all the nice comments lately and welcome to those of you who are new followers to my blog. We have been busy lately getting the garden ready for tours and of course our own enjoyment as well so I have not been good at leaving comments back, I hope you will forgive me!

Thank you for visiting,


Tea with Jessie

Hello everyone,
     The weather has turned so much cooler here and we are still waiting for some rain -maybe later today! I have a few tours this week so I am hoping for warm sunny weather the end of the week.
    Above is a photo of our six year old granddaughter Jessie taking a moment to smell the lilacs.

And of course we had to have tea!

Jessie enjoys her tea as much as I do!
She even knew we couldn't have tea without a hat and flowers.
After picking lilacs she had to check out the Bridal Wreath Spirea.
This is Sasha the newest member of Jessie's  family! Sasha is a pug-a-poo.

Whimsical Jessie.


We had just finished tea when a couple of other little tea ladies stopped in for tea in the garden but that is another post.

I am joining Tea Time Tuesday once again at Rose Chintz Cottage.

Thank you for visiting ,


It's Lilac Time!

Hello Everyone,
     I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a happy Memorial Day to my American friends. With all the sunshine we have had our garden is a couple of weeks ahead of many years. Our french lilacs are all out in bloom now so I have been picking lots of bouquets.

This is the Sensation lilac-I love the white edges.

Lilacs in the terrace.

Lilacs in the sunroom.

Over the weekend I took hundreds of photos so you might be sick of seeing my lilacs before I am done sharing them!

Thank you for stopping in today,


Blossom Time Tea

Happy Pink Saturday!
    Today is a special day over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound as it is the fourth birthday of the popular Pink Saturday parties. So I have prepared a little tea under the beautiful blossoms of our old apple tree. We have a few really old apple trees in our garden that are loaded with blooms this year.

They are white but have a blush of pink.

Our tea cups are called Blossom Time.
We are using various pink china some old and some new.I made cookies with pink sugar on them to go with the tea.
This is in our Chelsea Garden where we are enclosed by the garden on three sides.

I made some whole wheat raisin scones-they are not my prettiest but they taste good.

An old hammock under the apple blossoms awaits in the background after tea.

Some pretty flowers on an old wooden ladder.

My delightful daughter Emily came to join us for tea.

Looks like Emily has beat us to the hammock!

 Thank you, Beverly for all the hard work you put into hosting a party every Saturday and giving every pink lover so much pleasure. Check out all the birthday fun at How Sweet the Sound.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for visiting,



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