Why India Should Invest in New Green Technologies in Their Buildings

"Climate change and water scarcity threaten India's economy, one of the fastest growing in the world."
I researched recently that the country has 16 percent of the world's population, but only four percent of its water resources - how can we make this sustainable?"
"In India, buildings are responsible for 4.9% of total GHG, If per capita water availability is any indication, 'water stress' is just beginning to show in India. Beside energy the second most critical issue concerning the building sector, governments, consumers and environmentalists today is possibly water. Infact, water use in buildings accounts for almost 20 per cent of the total water use, which is significant. Hence the Indian construction industry needs to consider where and how they can protect the vibrant Indian economy. In particular, do we need to consider new green technologies?
Buildings in India are prone to many health problems such as:-
•Extreme hot condition
•Waste of energy
The impact is often high electricity bills and occupant's complaining of health problems due to internal environmental quality. "
Children, elderly people, and people with breathing problems, allergies, and lung diseases are particularly susceptible to disease-causing biological agents in the indoor air.
Buildings in India are prone to many problems. Research provides the following interesting such as:-
•The World Health Organisation estimates that up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be subject to excessive complaints related to indoor air quality.
•Air conditioning systems in commercial buildings consume about 60-65\% of the total energy as compared to various other end uses.
Sustainable buildings can provide:
•Improved learning by students
• greater productivity in workers
• Faster healing by patients.
• Have Higher Market Value
Both residential and commercial buildings retain a high resale value if they include sustainable design components. The value to prospective buyers comes from knowing their utility and maintenance costs will be lower in green buildings that outperform non-green buildings. Occupancy levels are consistently higher, and vacancy rates lower, in sustainable office buildings.
Understandably, it is these measurable benefits, rather than a general sense of well-being, energy conservation resulting in saving money and improved internal environmental quality for better living and good for the environment these can be achieved by implementing green technology in our buildings. India still to capitalize the benefits of green technology as other countries are already using it in their buildings for instance USA, Australia.
On the financial side, going green will save everyone tons of money. The price of electricity will keep going up as oil supplies shrink. As a hedge against rising electric bills it would be wise to invest in green technology today. Plus an additional benefit will be cleaner air. There are still coal plants around and despite the advancements in technology they remain a pollution factor today. Green technology in the form of solar power could result in a tremendous reduction in the need for coal power plants
Energy saving lightbulbs are a great example of green technology that can be installed in every house in the world, easily. The aim of green technology is to make peoples' lives better without compromising on quality of life.
Examples of green technology subject areas
Perhaps the most urgent issue for green technology, this includes the development of alternative fuels, new means of generating energy and energy efficiency.
Green building
Green building encompasses everything from the choice of building materials to where a building is located.
Environmentally preferred purchasing
This government innovation involves the search for products whose contents and methods of production have the smallest possible impact on the environment, and mandates that these be the preferred products for government purchasing.
Green chemistry
The invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.
Time has come to gain from the immense possibilities of Green technologies which will ultimately provide solutions to the entire problem we discussed above.
Sustainable buildings operate from seven simple principles
Sustainable building will:
1.Harvest all their own water and energy needs on site.
2.Be adapted specifically to site and climate and evolve as conditions change.
3.Operate pollution-free and generate no wastes that aren't useful for some other process in the building or immediate environment.
4.Promote the health and well-being of all inhabitants, as a healthy ecosystem does.
5.Be comprised of integrated systems that maximise efficiency and comfort.
6.Improve the health and diversity of the local ecosystem rather than degrade it.
7.Be beautiful and inspire us to dream.
Benefits of Green Building
Environmental benefits
•Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption
Economic benefits
•Improve the bottom line
Health and safety benefits
•Enhance occupants comfort and health
Community benefits
•Minimize strain on local infrastructures and improve quality of life
We talked about water scarcity which is not only a concern for India but for entire world. So what are we doing for that? The answer is we can certainly look for ways to save water and make optimum utilization of what we have right now. The reason why there is hype for green technology is it's always emphasizes on creating resources and minimum wastage of energy.
If we can reduce the water consumption in the building construction then it can definitely be used in other activities and it should be collective effort.
India has always played a significant role in the global arena. Whether it's growing economy, world's largest democracy and seriousness about environment. Then it is imperative that world should also recognise India's effort for sustainable living. India needs to consolidate its stand on promoting green technologies. And for that government can provide financial assistance to people or organisations to encourage and create awareness about green technologies. India is already doing its bit to save water and other environment friendly measures. Ministry of environment is also seeking assistance from Indian corporate sector to come up with innovative ideas to save the environment. I think we are on the right track and we just need to create more awareness about the biggest threat the world is facing now which is global warming. As we say there is never a wrong time for the right thing so we can certainly give back something to our mother earth.

Farewell My Garden

Hello everyone,
    We had a lot of rain and wind here yesterday but many areas had their first snowfall.I wonder if that is a sign of what kind of a winter we will have. Last year we had a green Christmas so I am hoping for early December snow but not necessarily before then! Speaking of Christmas last year I had a Christmas blog that I started early in November but all the photos accidentally got deleted so on the weekend I spent some time trying to put them back on but I haven't decided yet whether to have a separate blog for Christmas or not.
Hope I am not the only one thinking about Christmas before October is over!
Anyway,today it is time to bid goodbye to our garden for another season. Much of the cleanup is done and the roses will have to be banked in the next couple of weeks so my days of going out to the garden and picking a bouquet are past,except for the late blooming monkshood , the sedum and some hydrangea blossoms everything else has been cut down.So one day last week I picked the last of blooms in the garden.

Farewell my garden-I will look forward to seeing you again come spring! For everything there is a season and I don't mind having a break from the garden chores for awhile as I look forward to a new season of beauty as the garden becomes covered in the  pristine  beauty of snow!  

Macro shots of feverfew and the Fairy rose

Blue campanula
I hope all the little ones have a safe and fun filled halloween tonight!

I am joining the house in the roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday.

Thank you for stopping by.


Outdoor Shelter - Guide To Choosing A Timber Shelter For Your School

The PTA have a long list of things to buy, and this often includes: summer shade, wet weather timber shelter, parent waiting outdoor shelters and outdoor classrooms. Wherever possible the savvy school will look to combine all these in one substantial unit which, correctly positioned, can cover all categories.
In these circumstances you will require a solid structure, designed specifically for use in schools, which has a properly waterproof roof, and large overhangs to shelter the seating area.
Many structures can be installed onto tarmac or a slab base at no extra cost and this provides several advantages;Clean clear hardwearing floor which is not going to be affected by the seasonsEase of access as there is no step or ramp to get into the shelter
If you're considering installation onto grass, please remember that the extra footfall generated by use of the timber shelter will mean the grass area will become damaged and, without adequate levels of light/rain, will be unable to fully recover. This will mean problems with mud in winter and dust in summer. Flooring such as decking would be beneficial. However, this will create a step into the shelter and potentially create the need for a ramp to ensure that the facility offers access for all. Alternatively, grass reinforcement could be used to improve wear resistance of the natural floor.
Benching needs to be robust, smooth and at a suitable height for primary aged children whilst acceptable for adults to use as well. We would suggest 0.50m from the floor. There should be sufficient spaces for a full class of children ie up to 30 pupils - ideally all facing towards the same point for teaching purposes.
A variety of roofing options should be available to you; the primary function being to offer a dry interior. Where Bitumen roofing is offered, look for guarantees to ensure that you are going to get a decent lifespan from the roofing. Bitumen shingle tiles can have an attractive appearance and are available in a variety of colours with some quality manufacturers giving a 15 year manufacturers guarantee.
Sedum roofing when first installed.Cedar Shingle roofingBitumen Shingle roofing
If you wish to use the structure to demonstrate sustainable options in construction then consider either a living/sedum roof or cedar shingles.
Look for guarantees on the structure that can give confidence in its lifespan. Where choosing a natural material such as timber ensure that it is treated against rot: ideally pressure impregnated. Timber shelters should be correctly installed to maximise lifespan. Where upright posts are being concreted into the ground, be aware that this can cause a weak at the interface, where accelerated decay might occur. A far better method of installation is to bolt the posts to the ground. A small piece of DPC between post and ground will help prevent water ingress to maximise the life of the upright post.
No one wants to be responsible for purchasing the outdoor shelter that was destroyed in gales! Ask the supplier about wind-lift. Such features as the weight of the structure, inner ceiling design and number and positioning of uprights will all have an impact here. Have structural calculations been done to prove that this is not going to be an issue?
Finishing & Speed of Construction
Any timber product should be factory planed to minimise splintering - especially benches. Any product with upright posts should have the corners "pencil rounded" to soften edges and minimise damage should anyone bump into them. A structure such as this should be erected in just one or two days.
Make sure that the cost you have been quoted includes delivery and installation. Ensure you have asked about likely additional costs.
Use this opportunity to purchase a structure that is made of sustainable materials and demonstrates your school's commitment to the environment. Timber is the only natural, renewable, recyclable and bio-degradable construction material we have. Not only that, but it looks good too! Buy a timber shelter for your school and let it double up as an outdoor classroom and parents' waiting outdoor shelter. It will remain as a legacy to the school for many many years to come.

Last Roses of Summer

   It is a sunny but cooler day here today, enough of a change in the weather to let us know that winter will soon be coming. However,there are still some roses etc. blooming in the garden.
I picked a bouquet to enjoy in the house.
Cute shoes and roses.
There are several shades of pink roses in the bouquet.

The Fairy rose is still giving lots of sweet little pink roses to me with lots of buds yet to bloom if the weather holds.

A faded beauty.
I am joining How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday and also Hakan for Show Off Saturday.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


Happy Friday 10.28.11

Happy Friday everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I have been working off site this week and haven't had a second to breathe. But it's Friday, so I'm happy!!

This weekend  I plan on relaxing (again), doing some sofa window shopping (word on the street is the Crate & Barrel outlet in Old Town Alexandria has a ton of sofas so I'm going to start there) and spending time with my hubby. I also might start researching some great Thanksgiving recipes, since I'm hosting for my family the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with a super pretty, feminine room that I just adore. If you are a woman living by yourself, this is totally the time to rock pink in your apartment...believe me once you get married your husband will never let you paint a room pink. Isn't it just lovely!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Image via House & Home

Enjoy City Life And The Outdoors In Rice Military Homes

Rice Military Homes offer the advantages of city living combined with the beauty of one of USA's largest urban parks. Situated in the vibrant and busy city of Houston, Texas, it is no wonder that it is one of most sought after Houston real estate properties not only by the upper middle class, but also by young urban professionals, empty nesters and affluent home seekers. Rice Military Homes which is situated just west, downtown of Houston, is gaining popularity due to its proximity to Memorial Park and Allen Parkway recreational areas.
Offers a Vibrant Environment
The Rice Military Homes gets its name from, Mr. William Marsh Rice, a notable person who founded the Rice University and Camp Logan, a WWI United States military training camp, which is situated close to the place.
The Rice Military Area is surrounded by pleasant neighborhoods on all the sides. In addition, it is in close proximity to Houston downtown with its active nightlife, the museum, and Galleria shopping. The amazing location surrounded by parks having lush foliage, makes it one of the most exciting and charming places to live in. The site features trails, tennis courts, fields and wide open-spaces and a renowned 600- acre golf course. It has provisions for activities like:
* Swimming
* Tennis
* Hiking
* Biking
* Softball
* Volleyball
* Golf
* Baseball
The Rice Military area is conveniently located inside the loop within walking distance from the renowned Memorial Park. The area itself encourages an active lifestyle with its crisp fresh air and location, which encourages outdoor activities. There are a wide range of townhouses and condominiums, with spacious rooms and garage area, which can satisfy the requirement of anyone looking for a good home surrounded by a vibrant atmosphere.
Houston Real Estate and Houston Properties
As Houston properties are always in high demand, it is tough to buy or sell homes without the help of a reliable Houston real estate dealer. A competent Houston real estate firm can help customers interested in buying a home in the Rice Military Area. They can provide them with essential information like:
* Accurate details about homes and other properties currently up for sale
* Comparison of prices with relevance to previous deals executed
* Information regarding the neighborhood and community areas like shopping malls, places of worship, universities, schools, restaurants, theaters and other conveniences.
* Accurate listing details
* Number of days the property has been on the market
* Comprehensive details of sold out homes
Real estate dealers offer unique marketing strategies to customers who are interested in selling their Houston properties. They maximize the exposure of the property by highlighting its positive features through their website.
A variety of town homes, condos and an appealing array of upscale apartments are available for lease and rent. This is convenient for people looking for temporary homes and for those who cannot afford to make an outright purchase. Most of the buildings constructed by skilled professionals feature an appealing array of state-of- the-art amenities, with eye catching designer features as an added attraction.
For those looking for a modern urban neighborhood set amidst natural surroundings, Rice Military homes is the right place, as it provides the best of both urban life and nature for its dwellers.

On Golden Pond

   As some of you know this summer we had a pond made on our property by Ducks Unlimited and we are enjoying it so much.In the beginning it looked like a giant mud puddle but now it has filled up more and the muddiness has started to settle.

We have planted some serviceberry trees, viburnum,grasses etc around it and in the spring hope to plant some white flowering crabapple trees.I love how the trees reflect into the pond.

A mirror image of our house.
My husband built a little dock for us to sit and enjoy the view and the sounds of nature.

We had our first duck visit us this week-hopefully he will bring friends the next time! It was so peaceful watching him swim around the pond.

It is my new favorite spot for a cup of hot cider or hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate anyone?

Will you have the apple cider or the hot chocolate?
On a beautiful autumn day it is the perfect place to relax!
Our son gave us a rubber dory to row around the pond on.Our old wooden dory leaks so we have to find a way to fix it -so it is for looks only at the moment.

Hope you have time to sit for a spell!

I am joining Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.

Also joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.

I hope you all have a lovely relaxing weekend!


Home Systems: Active Vs Passive Solar Heating Systems

Are you interested in using a solar heating system? If so, then you will have several options. One of the main ones is whether to choose an active or passive system.
What are Active Solar Heating Systems?
This type of system involves harnessing and storing (in the form of heat) solar energy. It uses fans and other objects to dispense heat that has been harnessed. Solar cells constructed of silicon are the most common type of solar heat collectors. Typically, the cells are contained on solar panels, which are located on the roof of a home.
What are its main types?
There are two primary types. Their difference lies in the material that captures and moves the heat that is located in the solar collector. Usually the material is a gas or a liquid. For instance, an air-based system usually involves transpired air collectors or air room heaters. On the other hand, liquid-based systems usually involve water (or antifreeze) to capture and move heat.
How much power does it provide?
Usually the goal of such systems is to heat up to three-fourths of a home's interior. When more solar energy than a house needs is produced, the homeowner could then sell excess power back to his or her local utility company. Also, it is advisable to heat both the air and water in your home, so your system can function throughout the entire year.
What Are Passive Solar Heating Systems?
This type of system is a low-technology method of capturing solar energy. It functions by directly capturing the sun's warmth, and then retaining it within the house for the function of heating. This is mainly achieved through methods such as quality insulation and windows. This type of system can lower your current heating costs, or even replace your home's current system.
What are its components?
Windows are the primary components of such systems. The goal is to maximize the amount of sunlight and heat that one can collect during the daytime. Typically, the windows consist of a special variety of glass that absorbs as much heat as possible-and then keeps it indoors for a maximum amount of time.
Besides windows, another common component of Passive Solar Heating Systems are trombes, which are a special type of wall. There is a pane of glass in front of the wall. The mission is for the space between the glass and wall to collect heat. Another method is to paint the concrete walls black, so they will absorb sunlight more.
What are its benefits?
This is generally an ideal option when you are looking for a solar heating system for a new home. The reason is that Passive Solar Heating systems are based on factors such as the location of the windows in the home, the location of the building itself, the amount of insulation in the building, and so on. These issues can be quite challenging to change within existing homes-and especially the location of the home!
After learning the basics of Active and Passive Solar Heating Systems, it is time to determine which one is best for you.

A Library Tea

  We had a cool damp day today so it was a great day to have my friend Janice(above) come over for a fireside tea in our little library.
Unfortunately, because it was a dull day I didn't have good light for taking pictures as I don't like to use my flash. Janice waited patiently for me to take a few photos before I served her tea!
I used these Spode teacups that I bought on a trip to Maine last year.
We enjoyed oatmeal scones with whipped cream and Lemon Curd(thanks Sandi) .
I have a few Spode plates that match the teacups.
The teapot was a gift from my husband a couple of years ago.

I love the coziness of the wood burning fireplace on a cooler day.

I took these shots on a sunny day a few weeks ago.

This is a handmade lace tablecloth -lots of work!
Janice and I had a lovely visit and didn't mind a bit that outdoors it was wet and windy as we snuggled up to the fireplace with out tea!
 I still have some scones  if you would like to curl up with a cup of tea by the fire.

I am joining Between Naps on the Porch  for Tablescape Thursday again.

Take care,

Joy in the Morning!

    Yesterday was a  misty morning with the promise of a beautiful sunrise so it called for a little photo shoot.All of these photos were taken a couple of kilometers from our home.
We live on rural Prince Edward Island and the leaves are probably at their peak for autumn color.

There are lots of farms on the Island.
The scholl bus taking the children to school on this beautiful misty morn.
Across the river you can see the city of Charlottetown.

My husband and I both grew up on farms so we still like our cows!

A long ago abandoned farmhouse.It has such a pretty setting.
The beautiful sunrise.

I think every beautiful sunrise is a gift to be treasured and I hope these give you some joy in your morning(or whatever part of the day you visit)!

Take care,


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