Creamy Whites

Hello everyone,

     It is stormy here again tonight but we are toasty warm inside so we can't complain and it is getting milder with rain before morning.
  So today I am sharing some creamy whites and when you get to the bottom I have some exciting news.

So, the exciting news is some of my photos are going to be featured in a new book from Norway coming out in April. The book is called Summer for all the Senses (pictured below) by Franciska Munck-Johansen. 
 I  was doing some blog hopping one evening and found Franciskas lovely blog and saw that there was a competition to enter some summer pictures to possibly be selected for the book that was closing that day. I quickly sent some photos and found out yesterday that my pictures were among those chosen! Now, I can't wait to see the book. The book can be preordered  and you can check out where by clicking here.
Thank you, Franciska for selecting some of my photos for your new book!

Just a little sample of the book-doesn't it look so pretty!

When I get my copy I will be sure to share it with you.

  Thank you for visiting me,


Inspiration Board: Billy's Hallway

What? You want another inspiration board? Okay.........:)

My friend's boyfriend just moved into a killer house and asked me to help him with his hallway. I was so excited I immediately sent him an email asking for a budget and room dimensions. He almost as immediately regretted asking me to help.

But never the less I found the most amazing (and cheap at $19.99) striped rug that I thought would look fabulously fresh and masculine in a house of 5 young men.

I based this concept around the warm rich tones of a gentleman's club room. I also wanted to make it practical--I did say 5 young men live here--so I wanted to use a mirror with hooks for keys,  a large basket for all of those shoes, and a cool dish for that extra parking meter change.

My goal is to keep this all under $200...I'm up to the challenge!

I'm on an inspiration board you need one? Email me at

On a random note, I came across this BEFORE & AFTER on DesignSpongeOnline, and I fell in love! Look how utterly amazing floral designer Jennie's transformation is. I want this dresser in my equestrian chic designed room, whenever that happens :)



All the Colors of the Rainbow!

Hello everyone,
     How is your weekend going? We did get the snow storm that was predicted so everyone here had some digging out to do today. The annual community tea party that I planned to attend morning had to be postponed as well as many other events. The snow plows are being kept busy this year keeping our Island roads open.
 Anyway, since I was home I did some garden planning and then enjoyed viewing some of my garden photos from previous years. So, I made some collages for you again- I hope I didn't hear you groan!

orange-well, actually peach
Yellow (sort of)
While I may be dreaming of spring this is my reality! We have more snow then we have had for several years and I hate to say it, but winter is not over yet- we can still get a lot of snow in March at the rate things are going. There is no frost in the ground though so when it starts to melt it can go fairly quickly.....maybe!
 Now, if you southern bloggers(or European) have flowers blooming in your garden could you please hold off on posting them for awhile yet? It's not easy for me being green(with envy)! Actually, I love seeing your gardens and I know spring will come here sooner or later and you never know what ideas I can steal from seeing yours!
So, do you have a favorite color of the rainbow?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,


Garden Pinks

Hello everyone,
    I am still on a garden theme but with a pink twist as I am joining Beverly for Pink Saturday again. So this first photo is the clematis Josephine and the Therese Bugnet rose. I do love roses and clematis together as I am sure you do too.
Therese Bugnet again with a pretty lady statue in the background.
The hardy John Cabot peeking through our fence at the road.
I also love peony and roses together-don't you?

This is the amazing little rose The Fairy-that blooms most of the summer and into fall.
Our pink tree peony in bud.
a collage
Now for some softer garden pinks- a soft pink peony in  pretty pink china.
I am not sure which rose this is but if you look carefully there is a little white spider on it.

A very delicate pink geranium.
another pretty pink rose from our garden.

One thing I know for sure these roses and perennials have lots of snow protection from cold and wind! We have at least 3 feet over almost all parts of the garden.
Now if you love pretty pink things you must visit How Sweet the Sound and enjoy Pink Saturday!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,


Friday Ramblings

Happy Friday!

I love Friday posts because...well it's Friday! I wanted to share some ramblings with you...

First, I was browsing CB2's website and I fell in love with these!!!!!

Sleek square of hot-dip galvanized heavy-gauge steel can be used indoors or outdoors, and as tables or benches/stools. Each uniquely hand-finished to a raw crystalline gunmetal grey patina that's rustproof and scratch-resistant...sign me up!
How amazing would these look in a loft...I can imagine them working perfectly with a ticking stripe couch like this:
Or maybe a vintage style sette like this:
It's all about the juxtaposition baby!

In other news, the fabulous, eco-friendly shop I mentioned last week Twelve Chairs, now has all of their offerings available for browsing on their facebook page.

Plus Twelve Chairs Boston will hold and ship items.

Lastly, if you are in the DC area you must check out the Home & Garden Expo this weekend at the Dulles Expo Center!
DATES | HOURSFri Feb 25 9:00am-9:00pm
Sat Feb 26 9:00am-9:00pm
Sun Feb 27 9:00am-6:00pm

Dreaming !

Hello everyone,
        There is another big storm headed our way tomorrow and since we already have tons of snow,I am just going to do a little summer dreaming. In going back and looking at some shots of our garden in previous summers I gathered some to share with you in case you are looking ahead to spring and summer too.

Light and airy Thalictrum with an old birdhouse that my husband made for me many years ago.

I love garden statues

pretty delphinium

early morning mist
hydrangea and phlox

I am looking forward to some of this color in the garden

Love the color of this oriental poppy!

pink peonies,magnificum gernanium,hosta and columbine make a pretty combination.

Deutizia shrub covered in a mass of white flowers.

The spring garden behind 'Audrey' our statue.

Just a little peek at all that is to come but in the mean time enjoy we might as well enjoy the beauty of what we have right now-lots of white stuff!
I am joining Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home again today.
I also joined in for Show Off Saturday at Hakans lovely blog click here.
Thank you for visiting,



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