Our Little Garden Cottage

Hello everyone,
I am sharing our little garden cottage with you today. It was used by our children when they lived at home but since then I think you would have to say it is my little play house-I'm not too old to play am I? I enjoy setting it up each spring and changing a few things from year to year.
We have our first house and garden tour on Saturday with 16 visitors from Japan. This little cottage is always one of the high lights of the tour . I always have quiet background music playing and some fresh bouquets of flowers -hopefully fragrant ones to enjoy their sweet perfume.
I love the dollhouse that I found at a thrift shop in Maine for $20. a few years ago. Our little grandchildren love it too!(I did but it for them,honest)
The vanity came from a yard sale a few years ago also. Actually,everything in here was free or cheap.
This is shot through the screen at the south end of the cottage-the french doors are usually open all summer.

This is a shot of the outside a few days ago -you can see our garden is just starting to fill in.
The cherry tree and the pear tree are in blossom by the cottage now.

This is our little granddaughter Abby who just celebrated her third birthday with a big family dinner. She was so excited !
You gotta love that hat and I bet you will see more of it before the summer is over! I am joining in with Cielo's Show off your Cottage Monday at the beautiful House in the Roses. Hopefully you can join in too.
Thank you for visiting,


My First Win!

Hello everyone,

Today I wanted to share some photos of the very first giveaway that I have ever won! A few weeks ago Stacey at her lovely blog the VG Huis (a fellow Canadian blogger ) had a giveaway for these lovely glasses from CSN and I was so excited to win them.

Last evening when I came home they were sitting on my doorstep waiting for me.

So, today I have put them to good use.

Would you like some limeade?

They are so pretty-don't you think?

The lily of the valley is perfuming the house with it's sweet fragrance.

And my other excitement for the week was the arrival of the magazine Country and Country that did a feature of our garden-I know I already bragged but it was so nice to see it in print.

I took it in to show my Mom and she was as pleased as I was!

There can you see my name as the photographer? hehe

I picked some pretty tulips from the garden for a bouquet. Oh! and can you see the lilacs-they are almost blooming.

Of course,I made some collages for you. Thank you, Stacey at The VG Huis for this lovely giveaway-I am so happy I won these beautiful Perigord goblets from CSN.

I am also joining in with Cindy again at MY Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday. Thank you Cindy for hosting.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Thank you for visiting me,


Garden Blues

The theme for today is blue and these are a few of the photos I took today so you can see some of our garden blues.

dwarf iris
lamium-not sure of the variety

perennial bachelor's button or ragged robin
That is all my garden blues for today. Our lilacs are very close to blooming and the apple blossoms are beautiful this year so pretty soon it will be garden bliss!
Take care,


Comfort Food

Hello everyone,

We got some much needed rain yesterday with cooler temperatures and a few showers this morning so it is a good day here for some comfort food. The rhubarb is ready now in our garden so the first thing I make every year with it is rhubarb cobblecake.

After cutting up the rhubarb you cook it on top of the stove with sugar etc. (recipe follows)

This base is then topped with drop biscuit dough.

It is so good!

some whipped cream

and a cup of tea and I am ready to enjoy some old fashioned comfort food!

Here is the recipe in case you would like to try it.( click on to enlarge)

The flowers on the table are a pansy geranium and' freckles'


you can see where it got the name 'freckles'

I hope you enjoy a little comfort food today!

Take care,


Little Ones Tea

Good Morning,
We had a beautiful long weekend here on the Island and to celebrate Victoria Day we had a family brunch at our house. Part on the event was a tea that some of the little ones enjoyed in our garden cottage.
The lovely little participants were two of my granddaughter's and my grand niece.
Yum! those cupcakes are good.
Drink up everyone!

More tea?
the dolls join in
the tea was perfect
Princess Jessie
It was a delightful time!

Today I am joining in with Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage Inspirations and Katherine at Lady Katherines Tea Parlor for their lovely tea parties.Hope you have time to join in the fun.

Thank you for visiting me


Enjoy your day,


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