as seen in The Real Estate Book

Sold by Tanya Mock

Casual Conversation

Welcome ~ to a more casual and artistic form of my Real Estate Marketing. A little less stuffy, a little more me. A place for me to voice an honest opinion about the current market and keep you informed first hand; on the local Real Estate Market. So, you would have had to have lived in a cave over the last six months to not know that the real estate market has been {to put it kindly} 'tough' on home sellers. I am here to assure you that there is hope and it lies in the hands of our More Experienced Agents. More now than ever, is it critical to hire a Reputable Agent from a noteworthy brokerage. Now that our market times are longer {six months) means the Marketing and Exposure needs to be premier, strategically & consitantly scheduled to maximize exposure over longer periods of time.

The bright side to all of this is for our Buyer's. Not only our home Buyers able to get unbelievable prices on BEAUTIFUL homes but interest rates are as low as 5%! The government has put money out there to encourage 1st Time Home Buyers to make a move. There is a zero down USDA loan available {backed by the government} easing the expense to first time home buyers. Combined with the $7500 tax credit, first time home buyers can move in and even have reserves for a rainy day. And believe it or not, the high end stuff is still moving! Cash buyers who don't need financing are finding this market extremely profitiable. So if you are on the fence, or waiting to sell "until the market gets better", I encourage you to start the conversation, inquiries and get a market value on your home. I am seeing more activity over the last couple of weeks and 2009 is bound to be more fruitful and encouraging than the year past. I look forward to chatting with you and as always, don't hesitate to call or e-mail me with any questions. ~ Tanya

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